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Details of Input Fields in Create Product

The information you enter here can be checked in the About the Contents Entered in Create Product and the Published Details to see what will be published on AWS Marketplace.

Step1 : Provide product information

Input FieldDescriptionRequiredInput TypeConstraints
Product titleName of the product.YesTextAt least 1 character, maximum 72 characters
SKUUnique identifier for your product. Must be unique for each product listing.
Ex: CloudPower_0001
TextAt least 1 character, maximum 72 characters
Product logo S3 URLEnter the URL for the product image. Title treatments and logos display better than text-based.YesTextBetween 2:1 and 1:1 aspect ratio, longest side at least 110 pixels png or jpg format
Short descriptionShort description of the product, used in AWS Marketplace on EC2 Console.YesTextAt least 1 character, maximum 1000 characters
Long descriptionDescription of the product.YesText AreaAt least 1 character, maximum 5000 characters
Product Video LinkURL for a video for your product, shown as the 'See product video' link at the top of the product page.TextValid URL
Highlight 1Short bullet-style callout of a key product feature.YesTextAt least 1 character, maximum 500 characters
Highlight 2Short bullet-style callout of a key product feature.TextAt least 1 character, maximum 500 characters
Highlight 3Short bullet-style callout of a key product feature.TextAt least 1 character, maximum 500 characters
Support detailsDescribes the type of support offered.TextAt least 1 character, maximum 2000 characters
Product CategoriesEnter an additional Marketplace Category for search and browse.YesSelect BoxChoose from the options (about 50 kinds)
Keywords for search resultsEnter up to 250 characters of comma separated keywords. NOTE: Seller name, product name and all categories are automatically added as search keywords.YesTextComma-separated, at least 1 character, maximum 250 characters

Step2 : Configure fulfillment options

Input FieldDescriptionRequiredInput TypeConstraints
Fulfillment URLURL for customers to subscribe to the product by registering an account in the SaaS system. Accessed via the "Subscribe" button on the product page. (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesTextAt least 1 character, maximum 500 characters, begin with either http:// or https://

Step3 : Configure product pricing

Input FieldDescriptionRequiredInput TypeConstraints
Dimension unit typeThe category is displayed to customers on the AWS Marketplace website. (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesSelect BoxChoose from the options (9 types)
API IdentifierThe name used to refer to this dimension in the AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service when retrieving customer entitlements, and when sending metering records to the AWS Marketplace Metering Service. (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesTextMaximum 36 characters, only alphabetic characters or underscores
Display nameThe name displayed on product detail and ordering pages on AWS Marketplace. (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesTextMaximum 24 characters
DescriptionThe customer facing description of this dimension. (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesTextMaximum 70 characters

Step4 : Set prices

Input FieldDescriptionRequiredInput TypeConstraints
Purchasing optionsChoose the contract type you want to offer. (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesSelect BoxMultiple dimension per contract or Single dimension per contract
Contract duration optionsOffered contract durations (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesCheck Box1 month, 12 months, 24 months, 36 months(Can select multiple)
1 month price (Required if 1 month is selected for Contract Duration)Monthly pricing (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesTextNumeric value
12 month price (Required if 12 months is selected for Contract Duration)Annual pricing (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesTextNumeric value
24 month price (Required if 24 months is selected for Contract Duration)Bi-annual pricing (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesTextNumeric value
36 month price (Required if 36 months is selected for Contract Duration)Tri-annual pricing (Follow the input instructions output by SaaSus to set up the content)YesTextNumeric value

Step5 : Specify refund policy

Input FieldDescriptionRequiredInput TypeConstraints
Refund PolicyDescribes the refund policy for software charges, even if the policy is 'no refunds'. It is highly encouraged to offer some form of refund and contact information.YesTextAt least 1 character, maximum 500 characters

Step6 : Configure EULA

Input FieldDescriptionRequiredInput TypeConstraints
EULAUse Standard Contract for AWS Marketplace or Use your own EULAYesRadio ButtonStandard Contract for AWS Marketplace or
Custom EULA
Custom EULA URL (Required if 'Custom EULA' is selected for EULA)Enter the URL for the End User License Agreement for the product.YesTextValid URL

Step7 : Configure offer availability

Input FieldDescriptionRequiredInput TypeConstraints
Offer availability by countryChoose which customer geographies you want to targetYesRadio Button'All countries', 'All countries with exclusions', or 'Allowlisted countries only'
(Allowed input if 'All countries with exclusions' or 'Allowlisted countries only' is selected)Select target countries.Select BoxChoose from the options (countries)

Step8 : Configure allowlist

Input FieldDescriptionRequiredInput TypeConstraints
Allow-list test accountsAllowance settings for test accounts
Set up AWS account IDs
TextComma-separated account IDs