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Hopefully you have gone through the tutorial and have an idea of what you can do with the SaaSus Platform. In SaaS, there are many features that are not differentiating despite being important features. Instead of spending man-hours on these, use this time to focus on the original value of your company's SaaS.

Also, the hardest part of SaaS is operation rather than development. As you continue to operate, you will need to enhance various features, strengthen security, and make improvements. In addition, as the number of tenants increases, the load increases steadily. It is difficult to notice it until the SaaS operation phase progresses.

Currently, what the SaaS Platform can do is still only the basics of SaaS, but we plan to implement functions that will make SaaS operations smoother in the future. For example, we are working on providing a solution to the well known noisy neighbor problem where on a multi-tenant setup a large customer affects other tenants.

Please look forward to the future of the SaaSus Platform.